It film starts with the kingdom's main general dead, Griffith's Band of Hawk is more important than ever to the Midland's war struggle. During a Hawks' increasingly important battles, Guts and Casca are forced off a cliff and gets detached from the main force. As their pair recover, hiding in forests and dodging mercenaries, Guts learns about Casca and Casca learns to hate her stubborn comrade a little less.
After reunifying with the Hawks, they along with Griffith snag an assignment to siege Doldrey, Chuder's main camp in Midland. Glory is certain if they triumph, but first they must infiltrate a fortress that has lasted 100 years of assaults; a fortress guarded by the formidable General Boscogn and 30,000 of his troops. In the interim, spurred off by Griffith's words, Guts considers parting ways with Hawk.
The film was appreciated by audiences worldwide and got both critical and got commercial success. The film is engaging till the end and has great visuals. The story is very good and hits a lot of emotions.
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